Friday, August 31, 2012

It Happens So Fast!

So I thought I could take my time off and catch everyone up on how the Vegta Baby is growing and changing. Ultimately, though, I spent my time off taking care of him, my house, and myself. To be fair, I'm not entirely sure where exactly my little baby was the last time I wrote regularly, and he changes all the time! So, I've decided to browse through my photos and videos to share today as I head into a busy, new semester.
He rolls over like a champ.
He has so many teeth! (Waiting on #6 to start any time now.)
He spends lots of time with his toes.

He met Grandpa.
He met his big sister (and brother) and watched some derby.
He watched his first fireworks (and did really well).
He went to his first baseball game.
He spent time at the beach.

He started eating solids...
... and really liked it. (Please disregard the Bumbo on the table. I know.)
He can sit up on his own, and only crashes every once in awhile.
It's hard to believe my little baby is 6 months old! I see crawling in our near future...

So for now, I'll probably disappear back into my school abyss. If you ever want to see what I'm up to there, I keep a blog for that part of my life too: Blooming a Teacher.

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